I am not familiar with Ubuntu, or unix in general, so I do not know anything about your firewall or how to configure it to allow access, but I hope this helps. To allow from a range of addresses, just add a line for each. If you plan to read a long article on your iPad, this is the best option. If necessary, switch to the Reader PDF option to create a stripped-down version of the webpage. At the top of the Share Sheet, you see the title of the page just below it, tap Options. To allow access from another PC on your local network with the fixed address add: Open the page in Safari and tap the Share button. What is preferable is open it for specific addresses. I do not recommend it, but the simplest way to allow access is to amend "Deny from all" to "Allow from all", but that is very insecure. Check individual program requirements to make sure they are compatible with your computer.

The following tools are available for various operating systems and web browsers. Here are some tools that enable you to turn PDF documents into simple web pages. To allow other network addresses, you need to add/amend both these places. There are a number of ways to convert a PDF to HTML. You will see that first access is denied to all, then specific address(es) are allowed. # Controls who can get stuff from this server. 0 January 7th, 2014 - # In the Apache installation diectory there should be a directory /conf/ with a file /conf/nf which contains the configuration details.